5 Simple Ways to Live a Happy Life

happy life

Happiness is one of the most sought-after goals in life, yet for many it seems to be elusive. As Steve Jobs said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Accept who you are, just be yourself, and you’ll feel a world of difference.

1. Be Happy

happy life

Practice smiling more and see how it affects you internally, as well as those around you. You can always afford to give a smile. Smiling can make you happier — even if you have to force it, you’ll still feel better.

2. Do Exercise

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Exercise reduces stress and releases endorphin. Playing sports is a fun way to exercise as well, whether it’s kicking around a soccer ball or shooting hoops.

3. Share with Friend

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When we share our thoughts, our time, and our abilities with others we feel better for it. A life lived without sharing can become lonely. When you share with others, they’ll feel great towards you and help you to feel more joy in your own life.

4. Help Others

happy life

Sometimes after we’ve achieved our own personal goals, we still feel empty inside because we haven’t made a meaningful contribution to someone else’s life. When we volunteer or help others, it feels good to just be of service to someone else. The impact we make feels fulfilling and is a big potential source for our own happiness.

5. Eat Healthy

happy life

It’s much more challenging to feel truly happy when you’re sick. But when you eat right, you feel better both physically and mentally.