We know it sounds kind of odd, but surprisingly there are a few other ways to use baby shampoo besides scrubbing off your little one after a day of finger-painting or messy SpaghettiO dinner. So, whether you use it on your kiddie every day or have a bunch leftover from when one of your tots graduated to “big kids soap,” try out these cool hacks that make good use out of every single dollop.
1 Use it to make a powerful grease cutter.
Those stubborn stains on the stove and remnants of last night’s lasagna can be pretty darn tough to scrape off, but with a sponge, a bit of baby shampoo, and water, you’ll have those marks off and your kitchen sparkling pronto. Who knew?
Learn more at Hillbilly Housewife.
2.Wash off your girls’ night makeup with it.
Red lipstick? Psssh, nothing a little baby shampoo, almond oil, and water can’t handle. This mixture will get rid of it all—foundation, concealer, blush, and, yes, even common raccoon-eye culprits like mascara and smoky eye makeup. Which brings us to our next point…
Learn more at Hip 2 Save.
3.Make your own makeup remover pads with it.
Now that we’ve established that it’s great for scrubbing off makeup, whip up a few DIY makeup remover cloths and pop ’em in a mini mason jar. All you need is cup and a half of water, baby shampoo, baby oil, and cotton pads. They’re super convenient for business trips and vacations, not to mention they won’t explode in your suitcase.
Learn more at Juggling Act Mama.
4.Scrub your windows with it.
For a safe, non-chemical-smelling cleaner, combine a tablespoon of baby shampoo with a bit of water in a bowl, stir, and funnel into a spray bottle. You’ll be amazed at just how effective a few squirts of this can be on your windows. Those little fingerprints don’t stand a chance with this stuff.
Learn more at Hillbilly Housewife.
5.Clean your makeup brushes.
While you’re in cleaning mode, head to your vanity and rinse off your eye and face brushes with a little baby shampoo and water. It’ll not only get rid of old foundation and blush from weeks—okay fine, months—past, but also wash off unwanted bacteria and oil that can lead to clogged pores and breakouts.
Learn more at North Carolina Charm.
6.Whip up your own doggy shampoo.
The store-bought brands can be wayy too pricey and are often loaded with questionable ingredients. That’s why we’re in favor of using this version on our pups, which simply combines natural baby soap, apple cider vinegar, and hot water. Shake it up, put it in a squirt bottle, and voilà!
Learn more at Pet Coupon Savings.
7.Use as your daily face scrub.
Don’t wear makeup? You can still use it to wash your face on the reg. If we’re being honest, we were skeptical about the idea too, but if you tend to have sensitive, dry skin, switching to hypoallergenic baby shampoo really can do the trick. Not only is it way—and we mean way—cheaper than most facial cleansers out there (cough, 10 versus five bucks), but it’s super gentle on your skin and won’t leave it flaky afterwards. Cheap and effective? Sign us up, please.
Learn more at Literally, Darling.
From: redbookmag
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